One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him. "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
Jesus said to them, "When you pray, say:
" 'Father,"
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
Give us each day, our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who
sins against us
And lead us not into temptation.
_____Lu. 11: 1-4
This is a prayer that most of us grew up with and have it deeply etched into our hearts. We have come to know that the books of the gospel; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each has its own version of this prayer. What this does is allow us to come to a more complete understanding of the "Lord's" prayer. Upon hearing this prayer in church and other places of worship we learned to formulate our own versions of praying by extending this and the prayers of our family members, preachers, deacons or from the Christians we came to revere. As prayer took on a more personal meaning for us in our spiritual growth we learned to include our thanksgivings for our daily needs, health and strength of selves', protection from the evil one and a request for our guardian angels protection for family members, etc. As we mature in our prayer life we come to know God on a very personal level understanding that he is the only one that we can go to through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to seek and get the answers to our problems. Do you know that you are totally involved in getting your needs met. When you pray, nothing waivered is the key, relinquish all to God. Knowing this we become more and more confident in a God that will not fail us. A God who is all encompassing and truly knows us better then anyone else.
All that I ask is that you follow your heart giving yourself completely to God through the Savior by your provision of your daily prayer and you will be blessed beyond measure, Amen!
Clarice Marlene Moore-Grantt, Minister
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