Monday, November 18, 2013

Psychology - Warning Signs of Suicide

There are a number of warning signs that should alert family and friends that a young individual may be getting dangerously overwhelmed with emotional turmoil that could lead to an increased risk of suicide:

1. A sudden decline in school attendance and achievement.

2. A break in a love relationship.

3. Withdrawal in social relationships.

4. An (earlier) attempted suicide.

5. Cluster suicides.

Do not fail to act when such warning signs are detected!

The act of suicide is a persons attempt to stop their unbearable pain or anguish by actually doing something about it. So undoubtedly the hope of saving a person's life is also to do something.

Some things you can do:

1. Reveal the suicidal person's plan to a social network (let others know about it)
2. Break the secret
3. Talk with the person
4. Tell others
5. Offer help
6. Start action around the person
7. Show response and concern
8. Try to offer "love"

Suggestions by:

Clarice Marlene Grantt, PhD, NCP, BCCP

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