Sunday, November 24, 2013

Because He lives I can face tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Listen and be inspired by the words of this hymn. We are all greatly blessed to have a Savior like Jesus, one who cared enough to die for us. We all are so greatly blessed that he was crucified for our salvation. He did not have to do this. He could have denied God this request and remained glorified in the heavens seated at the Father's right side. His story is one that is not believed by so many yet he still cares for the non-believers too. I am inspired mostly by the fact that not only did he die for our sins, but to top that he left the Holy Spirit as a comforter for us all. We are never alone even when we feel unloved, sad, depressed, deprived, hated, or whatever may be going on in your life rest assured that Christ is with you always!

    Marlene's Ministry Corner
